Home Cooking: Kimchijeon and Sigeumchi namul

I've been trying to be more adventurous with my cooking lately...or should I say, trying to cook, period. It's really easy to get caught in the rhythm of eating out in Korea; food is reasonably priced and very healthy. Plus, I'm usually the first to point out that I'm not really much of a cook. Maybe it's my ADD or maybe that I need to invite others over more often because cooking for one can get a little lonesome. 

I'm trying and I must admit, it's not bad, not bad at all.

Korean Food- Kimchi pancake / 김치전 / Kimchijeon and Spinach side dish / 시금치나물 / Sigeumchi namul 

Thai Food- Tom Kha Gai / Coconut Chicken Soup