Golden Moments in Busan

Hostels in Busan


Golden dragons, Lady Gaga knockoffs and… Mike getting eaten by a shark?! A walk around Busan is nothing if not consistently entertaining. Besides bizarre city scenes, this photo set includes a lot of shots which highlight Busan’s connection with the sea.

-Flights To Korea

Smoking Pot in Busan
Shark Attack in Busan
Lady Gaga in Busan
Drunk At the Playground
Korean Penis
Selling Roots
Diving For Algees
Abstract Art Busan
Busan Art
Modern Art Korea
Making Out in Korea
Fine Art Asia
Famous Photographer Busan
3F Busan
Busan Travel Guide
Urban Art Korea
Weird Landscapes Korea
Weird Busan
Muscle Boys Korea
Photo Club Busan
Night Photography Busan
Moving To Korea
Living in Busan
Night Apartment in Busan

We're Jürgen and Mike, from Germany and the USA. Born wanderers, we love learning about new cultures and have decided to see the world... slowly. Always being tourists might get lame, but eternal newcomers? We can live with that. So, our plan is to move to an interesting new city, once every three months. About 91 days.

Previously, We Were In ...



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