::::featured artist:::david moore::::


a. Kodak TMAX P3200 B&W film.

b. The Cinema – Food Markets – Walking without agenda – without destination, anywhere – In conversation with others.

c. I’m quite stimulated by the concept of  http://pinepoint.nfb.ca, in that, this exhibit is solely online, interesting how it contributes to the exhibition.

d. Love

See his work here,



The movement of Moore’s work causes a well-formed chaos in your very being. Whether it is portrait or landscape you are displaced into an enchanting world. Like the previous featured artist, David Moore is true to photography working with black and white film. Known to lug around several cameras, this is how I first met David. He was on his way to Mongolia and had filled a camera bag to the brim with supplies. We met in 부산 한국, and when he returned his energy was an inspiration to me. Take a look at the series  Tide Now, and let yourself dwell in the space he created for you.