Dear Korea #051

Dear Korea #051

Where did this year go? I have no idea, but I’m definitely going to miss it. I hope it’s the same case for everyone else out there. I just hope 2012 turns out to be as awesome. The world not ending would be nice too.

Anyways, I sincerely apologize for the horrible lateness of this comic. While I did have a fun holiday, I ended up getting really sick over the weekend, and I’ve been trying to recover ever since. I seem to end up getting sick whenever I get time off. It’s a horrible cycle.

Anyone recognize the other characters in this week’s strip?

By the way, for those of you that can’t read Korean…

감사합니다! = Thank you!

On that note, I am very regretful to say that there won’t be a new comic next week. I will do my best to find some way to make up for it! Hopefully, the comic I come out with the week after next will be worth the wait. I apologize, and I thank all you readers for your patience!

Jen Lee's Dear Korea

This is Jen Lee. She likes to draw.
She also likes green tea.

Got any questions, comments, or maybe even some delicious cookies you want to send through the internet? Feel free to contact us at dearkoreacomic at gmail dot com.

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