Dear Korea #037 - 100% Biodegradable

Dear Korea #037

This seems to be a problem I run into somewhat often. I don’t know if it’s just something that my city deals with, but trash seems to be an ongoing problem all over the country (from what I’ve seen). It kind of bums me out to see that, especially after being told how clean South Korea is.

Now, before I go on any further, I’m not exactly green and/or eco-friendly. I’ve done more than my fair share of littering, and I’m not as conservative as I should be in many situations.

Despite that, I still try to make sure that I don’t leave too much of a mess behind. I wonder why there are little to no public trash cans here? I’ve seen that whenever someone did put a bag or large box for trash out, people were a lot less inclined to just toss their junk anywhere, so it’s not like people wouldn’t use them. It seems like once someone starts a trash pile, it just grows and grows until someone comes and takes care of it.

The worst situation I’ve personally seen is a nearby donation bin turning into a miniature dumpster full of beer bottles and pizza boxes. Kind of makes you not want to put clothes and whatnot in there, you know?

For anybody out there who does take the time and effort to not make a mess of this country, I applaud you.

Jen Lee's Dear Korea

This is Jen Lee. She likes to draw.
She also likes green tea.

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