A Day in the Life of an English Teacher


Classes taught: 4

Fights broken up: 3

Weepy little boys comforted: 1

Times I was poked in the ribs while eating my lunch: 3

Times brushed my teeth at school: 2

Unnecessary staff meetings I was forced to attend: 1

Times students informed me that my glasses make my eyes small: 2

Number of favorite websites now blocked on my school computer: 5 (and counting)

After-school program curricula written: 1

Number of times I looked up the plural for "curriculum": 1

Times my class schedule was rearranged: 2

Lessons planned: 0 (it's Friday, after all)

Number of TV episodes viewed incognito at my desk: 2.5

Number of butterscotch candies eaten: would rather not say

Meg's Got Seoul
The Korean misadventures of a rehabilitated news writer.
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