Daegu’s Affordable Fun Dress-Up Photo Studio



Mihwa, Yeonjung and I were in need of a girl’s time. We wanted to dress up and have the stereotypical romantic-comedy cue music sequence scene. No midnight margaritas were involved. Instead we went to this awesome studio to dress up in gowns and take pictures!

We headed to Dress Hyang ( 드레스향 ), a great place to go if you are on a tight budget. I spent about $18 for the whole thing (drink included!). It is right near the heart of downtown Daegu. It is so cheap because it is not a professional taking the pics, but you yourself! So take an extra friend, a tripod and a DSLR for the best experience.

Dress Hyang 드레스향 1

We got complimentary toast covered in syrup with whip cream in the center, and I ordered an iced lavender tea. We felt like princesses as we perused through the album, searching for the ideal dress.


There were many! Though most looked like wedding dresses, there were some colorful ones we liked. To rent them for 30 minutes we paid about 5-8,000 WON each.

Dress Hyang 드레스향 4There were variety of shoes and tiaras to choose from. We couldn’t bring our own. Thankfully I had a brand new pair so I was able to wear them with my dress ^_^


1It was soooo much fun!

DSC_0141And for an extra 2,000 WON we got to wear our own dresses and play around for another 30 minutes. It was well worth the trip and I would definitely do it again for some special occasion <3

Dress Hyang Map