This Could Be (one of) the Last Time(s)


The fact that I live an apartment on the twentieth floor is not news to this blog. This high position allows for a fine, if not a little post-apocalyptic at times, view of Suwon on all but the most weather beaten of days. I have grown fond of taking photographs of the many perspectives this home of ours provides. There aren’t many opportunities left for me to do this.20140606-193730.jpgAfter four and a half years here in Korea, which is essentially the whole life cycle of this blog, we are returning to Ireland to live.20140606-193754.jpgThings you need to know: This is an indefinite move. We really aren’t sure where we will eventually settle down.20140606-193806.jpgWe will never leave Korea forever. We will be back. This is a certainty. Just don’t ask me when. It’s going to be a crazy change, and we are excited, terrified, happy, and of course sad to be making such a move. This is a life changer.20140606-193825.jpgBefore we came back to Korea in 2010 we moved country four times in a year and a half. We’ve enjoyed the stability. I’ve really enjoyed writing here about life in Korea, and I know many of my regular readers are here for my writing about Korea. I hope that you will join me as I document life in Ireland, when I find a minute to spare (of course).20140606-193840.jpgSo that’s my big news, in case you’ve been wondering. So with that in mind, here’s a song.

…And a post-apocalyptic-ish sunset



P.S. I hate packing/moving country almost as much as I hate K-pop. It’s going to be a blast!