Cherry Blossom Festival

Welcome back to the Jinhae Cherry Blossom Festival.  For those of you loyal readers you will remember that I've gone here before and had a great time.  This time around things were still really nice and I had a great time, but man was it ever busiser than the time before.  This time we had to wait 3 hours to get a bus back to Busan (a one hour bus trip). 
Anyway, even with the wait it was a beautiful way to welcome spring.
In the grassy center of the city there was a stage set up and some traitional costumes and some arts and crafts going on.  Corrine and I tried to do the traditional see-saw-like jumping game.  We weren't very good at it. 

But there is one thing us Westerners are very good at- drawing a crowd.  Our failed attempts and giggles drew quite a circle around us. 

Afterward the Worwick Ladies both past and present posed for a photo in the little traditional house with it's thatched roof. 

We then walked to my favorite part of the Cherry Blossom Festival- the stream/promenade. 

This is where a lot of people crowd around to take photos of and with the Cherry Blossoms, and for good reason.  It is really beautiful and well worth fighting the crowds.  Other than the fact that that whole city is covered with Cherry Blossoms, this stretch of stream and walkways is probably the main reason why Jinhae is such a hub for visitors every spring.

We must have walked farther down than I had last time, because we found this area with stairs that led you down to the level of the stream.  It was a lot less crowded and really nice. 

Some of the required Cherry Blossom photos.

While hanging out with Dan and Anne, we had one of those "this is totally going to end up on a bilboard or a bench bus somewhere" moments.  We were taking pictures for ourselves and then at least 10 Korean men all with press passes and professional cameras asked if they could take our picture and then started snapping away. 

I was really glad we ventured down to the stream- I felt even more enveloped in the Cherry Blossoms.


I like how some couples even etched their names into the moss growing on the stones underneath the bridge.


The weather was nice and the sun was shining, what more could you ask for. 

Other than maybe smaller crowds. 

After wandering up and down the walkways and fighting the crowds we headed back to the tents for some really great pork-  it was slow roasted on a spit right out front.  These huge slabs of meat were really fresh, and really delicious. That lunch alone was worth fighting the crowds.

I love Jinhae's old houses- it's such a nice change from Busan's giant apartment buildings. 
And just in case you were worried that the festival was way too classy.  We came arcoss this guy stumbling down the railroad tracks with his girlfriend on his shoulders-like you do. 

From Jinhae with Cherry Blossom Love,

From Roam with Love