Can Men Be Attracted to 'Bigger' Girls?

Hey readers,

The following is my response to a young woman who wondered if guys being attracted to 'bigger' girls was"out of the question".

"In my opinion health is the key. There are women out there who are naturally slender. I have a few friends with naturally slender body types. They're super tiny, but they're no less of a woman than a lady with curves, just like a lady with some extra padding here and there isn't any less of a woman than a bikini-model.

Body image is a huge deal, and we're bombarded with images in media of "perfect" women, and even these women get criticized for the little things that make them unique and gorgeous.

Back to the health thing, dieting 98% of the time isn't healthy. You learn to eat right, and what your body does after that is up to your BODY. Everyone is different. Bone structure, body shape, frame size, metabolic rate. No two women are the same. There are large women AND small women who binge eat. There are large women and small women who DON'T eat. Both those types of women are unhealthy because of what they put their body through.

A super slender woman is still going to look healthy if she's taking care of herself. The same thing with a woman who has a little more meat on her bones. Confidence is attractive, sure, but health is too. The only men on this planet who are going to push a woman to look a certain way and disregard her health is a superficial one who isn't worth a single look from you anyway. If you're willing to torment yourself emotionally (and physically) to obtain a look so you can catch a certain type of guy then you're pretty superficial yourself and maybe that's the problem.

There are steps you can take to become a 'healthy' person (of any size and shape), and the biggest step is adjusting your attitude so that when you look in the mirror you recognize the beautiful woman staring back at you. Start saying positive things about yourself. Every time you catch yourself being negative about your body, make an effort to change that negative comment into a positive one.

When you put all of your self worth into the hands of other people you're setting yourself up for a pretty miserable experience... especially if those other people are superficial men/women.

Men are not a collective being that like or dislike the same things. Each of them has a different personality, a different upbringing, different tastes, and different styles. Just like any human on this planet.

I'm going to guess though that the majority of men out there don't like being around a woman who is constantly searching for reassurance and validation of worth. An obsession with weight, looks (etc.) is going to exhaust any relationship and will take away the pleasure for them in experiencing all of your good qualities.

Love who you are. You have to love yourself first anyway before you can even think about taking care of someone else's love."

Until next blog,