Calm Before The Storm

Being Canadian I have to talk about the weather. When non-Canadians ask me why Canadians would possibly feel the need to discuss the weather as much as we do I explain to them that the weather is deadly in Canada. Extreme heat in some areas in summer and extreme cold in winter kill people. And then there’s the snow. That’s probably why we do it.

The most powerful typhoon in a decade is set to hit land here in Korea shortly. They expect monsoon rains and winds of 53 meters a second. That seems a little high but whatever. The last storm that was close to this size killed 250 people and did 5 billion dollars in damage. I remember walking out in a typhoon in Korea years ago. I heard this ‘wocka, wocka, wocka’ sound. I look up and there’s a stop sign whipping past my head in the wind.

If an opportunity presents itself I’ll get the camera out and try and get some visuals. Right now, the weather here is fantastic. It briefly hit 50 degrees celsius with the humidex here this summer. That’s a little sticky to be walking around in. Temperature is great now, everything is dead calm, and the sunlight has started to take on that fall hue. That’s my very Canadian weather rant.