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Kenny guesses Korean snacks while blindfolded

How many of these famous snacks can you recognize? How many of them do you think you would recognize without looking at them?

The snacks Kenny tried in order were 새우깡, 양파링, 포스틱, 오!감자, 고래밥, 꼬깔콘, 짱구, Gardetto's, 초코송이, 초코파이, 자유시간, and 폴로.

Parents’ Day – A special holiday for mothers and fathers

Have you ever heard about Parents’ Day? Since we were born, we’ve shown our parents love and appreciation in one form or another. Our relationship with our parents may not always be perfect, but there is so much for us to thank them for. It can be surprising how much we don’t show our thankfulness.

Parents’ Day is all about celebrating our parents! Below we will tell you all about this holiday celebrated globally but is especially important in Korea. It can also give you some great insight into Korean culture.

고 보니까 "Realizing" | Live Class Abridged

Last Sunday we had a live Korean lesson about the grammar form ~고 보니까 (or ~고 보니), which is used to show that you've realized something after you've done something. We also compared it to the similar form ~고 나니까 (or ~고 나니), and showed where the grammar form came from.

~고 보니까 is an Advanced level Korean grammar form.
