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Learn Korean Ep. 125: Saying “Each” Using 에 & 씩

Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen my friend Jinyoung! It'd be great to hang out with her again, so I'll have Keykat set up a meeting place with her. I sure hope she can find the address on time.

This lesson covers the Intermediate Level concepts ~에 and ~씩, which are used to mean "each," "a," "for," or "per." These can be attached after nouns.

Verb Endings ~거든(요), 잖아(요), ~고(요) | Live Class Abridged

This is the sequel to the last live stream we did, and this one is all about the verb endings ~거든(요), 잖아(요), and ~고(요). Between this lesson and the last one, we've now re-taught my original first live stream from back in 2018. What other topics should I teach next? You can let me know here on my web site, or anywhere else you can find me.

Korean alphabet song – Memorizing Hangeul with tunes

Did you know that there’s also a Korean alphabet song?

Since we’ve all been kids once upon a time, we’ve probably all had the experience of singing our language’s ABC song many times enough we’ve willingly blocked it out of our minds. The Korean language is no different and has its alphabet song as well.
