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What are Politeness Levels? | Korean FAQ

Politeness Levels are, in my opinion, the largest and most complicated part of learning Korean - more than any other type of grammar. However, like any other type of grammar, they can also be learned and mastered through regular practice and exposure to the language. I actually created a new free 24-episode course called "Master Politeness Levels" which will start being posted April 8th, but before that I wanted to do an overall summary of the politeness levels.

The Lesson of the Ukraine War for China against Taiwan is No Longer a ‘Fait Accompli Land-Grab before the World can Respond.’ Now it’s ‘Bombard Them into Submission First’

UkraineThe lesson of the Ukraine war for China in a Taiwan scenario seemed, at first, to be: go for a quick, fait accompli land-grab before the democracies can respond. Instead, the lesson now is: bombard Taiwan into submission first before trying a huge risky landing.
