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"About" ~에 대해(서), ~에 대한, ~에 관해(서), ~에 관한 | Live Class Abridged

Sunday's live Korean classroom was all about the grammar forms ~에 대해(서), ~에 대한, ~에 관해(서), and ~에 관한. We also learned about the verbs 대하다 and 관하다.

This is the LAST live classroom until the end of August. The reason is I'll be in Korea from the end of this month, so I won't be able to do any classes while I'm there. Instead, I'll try to do a regular live stream once a month during my trip.

What Should You Call Your Friends | Korean FAQ

The word "친구" means "friend," but it's not always going to be the best word to use - and depending on the person it can be inappropriate too. This is because it's typically used for friends who are also the same age, and not for older or younger friends. I discuss how this works, as well as offer some better alternatives in this week's newest episode.
