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English speaking realtor, real estate in Busan

Hello. Everyone.

We are certificated realestate agency and located  in Busan. and handle entire area of Busan.

If you are looking for a real estate, realtor, rent, apartment, housing and 부동산 in Busan, we are here to find proper place for you.

Please let us know your budget, type of house, type and period of contract, exact move-in date, area in Busan, pets and any special requests.

Best time for house hunting is 2 or 3 weeks before your moving-in.

Business/Organization Type: 


Master Politeness Levels with Billy Go | #6: More Formal Speech

Here's lesson 6 of my "Master Politeness Levels" course. This course has 24 lessons, and I'll upload one new one publicly per month.

Note that Members of my YouTube channel are also able to watch this entire course (all 24 lessons) right now, but the course will be released for free to the public as well.

How To Say No In Korean

Politeness is a must-have in Korean culture.

There are just times when we have to disagree or give them negative answers but you don’t want to be rude, then you can just use this phrase.

The most standard way to say no in Korean is 아니요 (a-ni-yo) and it comes from the Korean verb 아니다[ a-ni-da] which literally means “to be not”. To say “no” in a more casual way, you can drop the 요 ending and just say 아니 (a-ni).
