Farming exposure trip in Nonsan


Saturday, June 18, 2016 - 09:30


Event Type: 

Interested in the Korean economy and/or agriculture? Join the International Strategy Center's 2 day, 1 night farming exposure trip to Nonsan! We will be working alongside farmers in the strawberry fields, learning about native seeds, and talking with farmers in peasants organizations about agriculture in Korea and the political/economic challenges they face.

박 2일동안 낮에는 토종 농사를 짓고 있는 농민과 함께 일하고 저녁에는 논산 농민회 농민들과 농업에 대해 이야기를 나누는 시간을 가지려고 합니다.=

Cost (30,000 won)  covers accommodation, meals, and a museum visit!

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