Where in the world is Bobby McGill

Once upon a time there was a website called Idlewordship.com

It still exists, but it hasn't been updated for eons.

I enjoyed reading BM's blog very much. 

I've paid a tribute to The Week We View, California style -- it's here if you care to peruse.


I hope Idlewordship re-emerges.

Wherever you are, BM, I hope yer hitting home runs.

I'm doing this because I noticed that my blog is off the pusanweb's list.  My blog was 1st on their list of blogs for almost 2 years, so that was a nice run. 

I live in LA now after 13 years and 5 months in Asia, close to 12 in SKorea.  My first 'true to life novel' entitled Culturebook -- My Youth  in Asia will be available at Whatthebook.com and Cheju Book Town this summer.  Stay tuned.


ps, I also miss reading Whiskeyexhaust.  If it still exists, I know not where to find it.


I miss doing the blog... but the magazine has consumed me. Would love to have you do some writing.



[email protected]

same same
