Cosmetic Surgery referral for mole removal

 Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had any moles removed while here in Busan? 

 I have a small mole on my face that has been removed before when I was younger but is still raised with a slight coloring. I would really like to have it taken off surgically (not topically with the "scrape" method") but cut out. Since it is on my face I need to go to a cosmetic place, not dermatologist. 

Any suggestions for a good cosmetic surgery center (english speaking if possible) would be greatly appreciated. 

Have you tried 'Small Face,

Have you tried 'Small Face, Lovely Breast' in Seomyeon? They seem to have a pretty good grasp of the English language!

Yes, I am being flippant. Couldn't resist.

Seriously though, I think that many of the 피부 Pi Bu, detmatologist places do small stuff like moles.

Medical services

If you are looking for plastic surgery locations or anything to do with medical or dental needs there is a great list of English medical clinics including dermatology clinics available at  

The page includes some English contact numbers as well as Google map links for how to get to them.  I hope this helps.