
Pet Sitting

Hi I am living in Busan and am interested to see if anyone knows of a good, clean and reputable pet sitter for my 2 cats.  I travel often, and would need someone to watch my cats while I am away.  I am not sure if there are any pet hotels or boarding facilities in Busan that would be a good place to leave cats.  Any comments would be welcome.  Thanks!

Why?!?!?! - Pet Adoption

Why is it that people are on this website trying to find a loving home for their pet? I guess a better question is WHY do people on a 1 year contract feel the need to get a pet they can only keep for a short while? Because they just had to have that cute, cuddly kitten? Because they didn't want to be lonely? Why?!?! It seems so utterly stupid that now you have to give your cat or dog away.


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